Monday, November 30, 2015

Why is the mixing of race and religion such a bad thing during the Medieval times?

   We saw our first form of mixing race and religion in the King of Tars when the white princess marries the Sultan, who is said to be a darker race. This marriage was of two different religions also. This happened to become an issue when the princess became pregnant and birthed a lump child. This was because she had not fully converted to the Sultan's religion because she did not want to so instead he converted to hers to try and fix their baby.
   Another time we see someone convert was in the Arabian Nights where the women converted to Muslim because that was her husband's religion and they end up having white children. In this story, there is no understanding of the Christian Faith which could have been one of the reasons it was easier to convert for the women in this story then for the princess in the King of Tars. 
  One of the biggest mixes of race and religion was in the Game of Thrones. You have Daenerys who is white and part of the House of Targaryen. Daenerys is given away by her brother to marry Kahl Drogo who is of darker skin color and is a part of the Dothraki. They end up getting married and Daenerys has supposedly converted to the Dothraki in ways, but she still holds on to a lot of her own race. She then becomes pregnant with Drogo's son who ends up dying when Daenerys has a lady perform black magic on him to keep him alive. After they burn Drogo, Daenerys goes into the  fire with the dragon eggs and does not burn up, but instead is found with the dragon's nursing off of her. She then takes both forms of the races and claims herself to be the mother of dragons. So why is interracial or religion marriages so bad? If people believed any of these stories of why mixing two different things together our culture would not be the way it has transformed into over the years.


  1. I wrote a little about interracial couples in my own blog. One reason why the marriage between two people of different religions was seen as abnormal is because of the bible's teaching. Christians believe that the person they marry should also be Christian. It makes sense, because two people with the same religion have an alignment of morals and beliefs. They are not even supposed to consider marrying someone who does not follow Christ. It's practically a sin, and for years people believed that a deformity of any kind in childbirth was due to sin committed in the family. Even my grandpa, who was born with one ear, was told as such when he was little.

  2. One of the reasons I believe the mixing of race and religion was seen as bad was because it was a much less tolerant time period in regards to social class and religion. People were taught less about treating others kindly and were taught that their way was the only way. This also extended to social class where people were more likely to marry within the family because they wanted to keep their bloodlines clean and pure. This idea probably extended to religious matters as well and caused people to think that their Christian heritage should be kept the same because it was the right religion.
