Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Are You At Risk For A Potato Baby?

Are you in an interracial relationship and planning on having children? You may be at risk for having a child with physical deformities or mental gaps.

           The Sultan and the Princess of Tars were not the same on a cultural or racial level, or even a religious level. This made their relationship very difficult at the beginning until the Princess lied about her faith to make the Sultan happy. When they finally had their child, their precious baby was nothing more than a lump of flesh with no features or bones. That is when the Sultan realized they were not alike at all, he knew his wife had lied to his face about her faith. The couple began to blame each other and have a pray off. In the end, the Princess's religion, (Christianity) won. The Sultan converted to Christianity and  became white, like the Princess. After his transformation and the baby's baptism their child became an actual person.

           After reading King of Tars and discussing the lump child, I wanted to look into the risks that biracial couples have to face when welcoming a child into the world. Many websites I stumbled across believed that the babies of interracial parents were at significantly higher risks for birth defects, such as imperforate anus (being born without an anus) or cleft lip. I found one government based website that does show the higher risks per race BUT it says that the risks are barely higher. It is just there to show that there are difference between races for risks.

         Other websites I found were obviously published by racist people that wanted their perfect race like Hitler. These websites were filled with excuses and lies for reasons that two people of different races should not be together and have children. Their main reason was to keep different facial features across the world.

        Although many websites were completely misguiding and racist. I did find one that had great information. It explained that the more diversity a person had racial could be beneficial towards the gene pool because of the constant change in our surroundings. When populations migrate and have constant changing environments, diseases mutate. People of two races actually have a higher guard and resistance towards the mutated disease. The more multiracial the person is, the more resistance they have. In reality, people who have mixed babies are just looking out for their children. Those two races are giving to each other, not taking away from one another.

 Websites Used:

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