Monday, November 30, 2015

Serious About Syria?

In today's age, people in this country assume the people from the Iraq/Iran/Syria area are all Muslim terrorists. There is a great controversy on if the United States should take in the refugees from Syria. These are people that are running from the backlash of violence after the fall of their government. These are people that are trying to protect their children and the future generations of their family. 

These are people
Americans view the Syrian refugees as a threat to the security of our country, yet they don't seem to remember that this country was built by refugees running from religious prosecution. The group that America is truly afraid of are the radicals in Syria. Unfortunately, Americans cannot grasp that these radicals are the equivalent of the KKK in Christianity. Not every Syrian is a part of ISIS, contrary to most American beliefs.

The Syrian people could be easily compared to the Jewish people during the medieval era. No one wanted to welcome the Jewish people to their country in fear that they would over turn the government. That is one of the main concerns that many countries around the world today have about the refugees of Syria. First world citizens believed and still believe today that the people would steal their jobs and take the resources that citizens already need. The world sees the refugees as lazy potatoes looking for an easy hand out, when in reality, the refugees are going through hell and back trying to find a stable environment for themselves and their families. One heartbreaking quote I found while researching this topic was, "No one puts their children on a boat unless the water is safer than the land." Unfortunately many of the children make it to their destination still alive. The photo above is a tribute to a young boy who lost his life after his family's boat sunk. 
It is a wonder that the refugees ever get to a safe place. The world seems to have it out for the refugees even though these people have lost their loved ones and a place to call home. The people of the world today need to get serious about helping the people of Syria, as one day we, the people of the world, may need help in return. 

1 comment:

  1. Do you think that this issue stems out of the religion of most Syrians or their general complexion? Maybe one influences the other equally. To me, it seems that there is opposition to the refugees' arrival in America because of the religion, which then causes people to assume that anyone with traditionally Arab features to be seen as a terrorist. This might go back to the media's portrayal of Syria, where all that is advertised is the death and destruction rather than the grief and sorrow that comes with the ongoing conflict. The media's portrayal of Syria seems to be portrayed in a negative light for the same reason that politicians refuse to grant asylum to these victims.
