Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Tolkien; Racist or Nah?

There seems to be a big hullabaloo over whether or not Tolkien’s made up races and characters were created out of racist intentions. Personally I do not believe it but I will shallowly delve into these arguments in this 400 word blog post. We as a class got all up in that whole “Dwarves as Jews?” debate so I am going to focus on the belief that Tolkien’s elves were created from an Aryan perspective. From a physical aspect the elves relate to Aryan characteristics with their fair skin, hair, and eyes, etc. Although there are exceptions with elves with darker hair colors and eyes these are shown by Tolkien as the more wild elves than their Rivendell and Lothlórien counterparts. 
Look at those gorgeous pale men
Many critics view Tolkien’s alleged Aryan inspiration as something presented by his constant portrayal of good as white and black as bad. Think about it, almost every good character (besides Saruman the White) is described as white at some point. And all the bad characters are related to darkness and black, “It’s clear that the most noble races are white and the least noble (Orcs and Haradrim) are swarthy or black” (Source 2). While this idea of white vs. dark as good vs. evil has been around for literally forever some critics choose to see it as Tolkien’s way of being a racist. Take all of this as you will, racist or not racist because all I see are extremely attractive Elven men and women and that is all that really matters anyway right?  


I mean come on...

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