Monday, September 28, 2015

Christians reasons for persecuting the Jews

Why Christians hated the Jews

Image result for Medieval times JewsDuring the Medieval time period, Jewish people were seen very differently by Christian people then how they are viewed in today's society. One reason Christians viewed them differently was because of their thoughts and because of that Christians viewed them as the enemy. Christians were always worried that the Jews were going to spread their religion and that they would lose supporters to the Jews. The Jews were hated so much that they were not even allowed to have jobs that Christians held for example if you were a Jewish doctor you were not even allowed to see a Christian patient. 

Image result for Crusaders attacking JewsThe Jews were blamed for everything from the Crucifixion of Jesus to performing Anti-Christian rituals. The things that the Jews were blamed for were usually for problems that were uncontrollable. Christians had blamed the Jews for poisoning the whole village's drinking water. Even though the city officials had made objections to this crazy assumption, Christians still attacked the Jews. Christians would kill for Jews for things like this and others. One of the main reasons Jews were killed was because of their religion. Christians believed that their religion should be the only religion anyone who believed in a different religion was considered an outsider and was usually put to death. In many ways the Jews were treated how they were by Hitler during the Holocaust. They were forced to live in ghettos and Christians made up reasons to attack them. Many of times Jews were burned to death by Christians in a bonfire. The Crusaders were one of the major groups who killed large groups of Jews at once. They would attack Jewish villages and communities. The Medieval Era was just the start of discrimination against the Jews. People of high authority from rulers to Popes would ban Jews from their cities throughout the Era. One question I have about all of this is why would the Christians hate God's chosen people?

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