Monday, September 28, 2015

Who Cursed Jew?

"Lord Jesus, not our savior, please help us!"

      Throughout history, the Jewish people have always been treated as less than people. Not only were the Jews pushed out of England, they were pushed out of many many many other countries such as: Spain, Germany, Hungary, and France to name a few. They were forced out by the rulers and the other inhabitants because of their “known” qualities. One main quality that was widely known was them being cursed.

The little boy killed in the ghetto of Asia was killed because of the cursed Jews. Who cursed them? Satan. He did not like hearing the innocent little boy singing praise of Jesus, and neither did the Jews. This could be because of Satan being the fallen angel and the Jews being the ones who killed Jesus.
        I feel like the Jews in the Prioress' Tale wanted to finally feel as if they had conquered someone "above" them and that is why they were so easy to follow Satan's command. The Christian's weren't so easily taken down like the Jewish people were; in fact, most kings were of a Christian background. 

"Oh just, taking out the trash.."
        One thing I found strange is how guilt free the Jew's seemed to play everything off. They never once admitted to the death when they were caught. They were just taking whatever came to them. Were Jews commonly viewed to not have a conscious in the medieval era? Were they seen as an equal to Satan and is that why so many people didn't want them around? According to this website, yes. Jews were seen as Satan's minions. In many cases, Judaism was thought of as a satanic cult. It was even thought that the Jews would murder little boys specifically to use their blood in special satanic rituals. 


  1. Wow this is so very interesting, it is so crazy how people during this time and still even today view Jews as a lesser religion and race when Jesus Christ himself was Jewish! The fact that people equated the Jewish people with Satan is so strange since the similarities between the religions of Christianity and Judaism are so strong. I think it just goes to show how humans deal with “different”, when there is something they do not understand or like they automatically associate it with evil (Satan) and feel the need to force it away or ultimately destroy it.

    1. ignorant, Judaism is a Satanic Religion(non creationist)
