Monday, September 28, 2015

The Devil and The Jews
Starting in 1050 until 1650 the practice of Jewish religion was seen to be satanic to the early European Christians. Christians believed that the Jews or the “Red Jews” were against them and wanting to destroy the practice of Christendom. They thought the Jews were going to kill their babies, poison them, and pursue sexual acts on them. They also believed the Jew’s Messiah was the Antichrist. For an example Cabala or “Kabbalah” Jews believed that they can “redefine” reality, such as bad is good and fiction is truth. Also they believed that God interacts with the world through them. This is Satanic because this mix-up of reality makes no sense and people cannot define God’s will. The Jews are apparently taking over society. The Illuminati Jews have united with the Masons promote homosexuality, feminism, abortion, and pornography. Also they encourage feminist to be an “agent of change” which is a part of the “New World Order” and have babies on their own.  During the Medieval Ages women had little power so by encouraging women to take a dominate place in society is a form of representing the “Antichrist.” Apparently the Jews were in every way evil.

"The Eternal Jews"
A stereotype that still exist about Jews that started in the Medieval Ages are that they are charmers. They believed that the Jews could trick you into buying things also they practice witchcraft. Jews today are known to be great business people and great doctors. They are known to get what they want and to pinch pennies. Another stereotype about the Jews is that they promote homosexuality. Yes there is a higher population of gay Jews than there is in most regions, but they do not promote homosexuality. Some also believe that Jews have no morals and they just run around and do what they want, again not true.

-Zara Robinson

1 comment:

  1. I also posted about how satan supposedly controlled the Jewish people. What I found is that the Jewish people were viewed as minions to satan and that is why they were thought to kill little boys. To go along with your section about the Christian’s fearing the Jewish people, most kings were Christian and that is how they had the power to push the Jewish people out of their country. The people that supported the king usually saw him as Christ-like, because it was believed that kings were appointed by God. This made everything the king said respected and generally followed.
