Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Blog about a topic

Am I White enough?
The Game of Throne is very evident that there are racial issues that are very evident within the book and movie. The most obvious one is seeing how Daenerys, the princess, is extremly white in every facit you can possibly think of. The white could symbolize a lot of things from being pure, virgin, or "chosen one" to just being white in who a white person is thought of as being superior to any other race. In both the book and movie it is very apparent that Daenerys is extremely white not including her white horse, go figure. With all this white focus you almost think that she is the next coming of Jesus or some Christ figure. To me it almost seemed like she was the next coming of Jesus due to her being so white and the Dothraki king being dark skinned. This is relatable in how Jesus come and washed everyones sin away and made them "white as snow". Not saying that Daenerys is Jesus or anything but just pointing out that the commonality between the two. Also when the Dothraki king, he rides a dark colored horse that is suppose to be superior and top stuff but ends up dying to save his owners life, wonder why they just did not use the white horse if being white is a superior thing?? Guess this time is was meant to just be shown that the horse is Daenerys’ and that the white is being just from a different tribe rather then being a “superior” thing.

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