Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Game of Thrones, Does it Confine its Women?

The traditional role of a woman in the medial ages was that of a confined woman. Basically, this means that the women of this time period fulfilled the traditional role of staying home taking care of the kids, and doing the daily chores. However, it was also during this time period that the idea of the unconfined woman began to emerge. This idea was the direct opposite of its counterpart in that it had woman take a more active role in society. This, idea even began to affect the literature of the time. However, most of the time the unconfined woman was presented in a negative light. For example the unconfined woman represented in the literature of the time were always trouble makers. Two examples of this are the women in Beowulf, and the Albina Myth.

                                                        Daenerys Targaryen Game of Thrones

The idea of the confined vs the confined woman of the middle ages has been represented in modern representations of the time period. One example of this is in the novel A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin. In this novel, and also in its TV show adaptation, we see the brother and sister pair of Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen. Viserys, wants to marry off his sister in order to gain an army to reclaim a throne that he believes he deserves. He eventually marries Daenerys off to the leader of the Dothraki people. This seems to be going well at first, but Daenerys starts to act more like a Dothraki over time, and begins to show signs of being independent. This angers Viserys, because he believes that the Dothraki are obligated to help him regain his thrown. However, when he confronts the Dothraki about this by threatening his sister and her unborn child he is executed. It is interesting to note that in this modern novel we see a woman break the social standards, against her brother, a man’s, will. This leads to trouble for the man, just like in the medieval works of literature. Of course the character of Viserys, was not very popular and his death was satisfying for most viewers. However the parallels that highlight the medieval idea of Confined vs Unconfined woman is undeniable.
                                             Viserys Targaryen Game of Thrones

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