Wednesday, April 26, 2017

A Girl and A Boy: The Avenging Dragons

In response to the many similarities and differences concerning “Game of Thrones” star female ruler, Daenerys, and “Histories of the Kings of Britain” destined male ruler, Arthur Pendragon, I would like to expand on their lineage and the historical underpinnings of their story and burdens. Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama series by George R.R. Martin that faithfully adapts several key elements of magic, sword play, dragons, and supernatural creatures found in the literary material while incorporating an aptly selected scenery that spans most of Northern Ireland. The series is predicated on the tale of continuous civil war between the seven houses of westeros and their endeavors to control the kingdom by obtaining the Iron Throne.

Firstly, some of the differences between king Arthur and Daenerys is situated with the coming of their births. However, I would love to expand on both characters in terms of their being. Both have a divine or mystic nature to them, while also being heavily associated with Dragons. Daenerys was the last of the Targaryen race, whose claim to throne and childhood are a little more complicated.  Being born of a dying lineage, Daenerys, the daughter of the Mad King, Aerys Targaryen who was driven insane by the multiple still births of his lineage with his child, was born a female. Eventually, Aerys was also betrayed by his allies, the Baratheons who took his thrown as King of the Seven Kingdoms and created a new rule with the Lannisters. As a woman, in this world, Daenerys birth right was overshadowed by family mental history, her young age and youth, as well with the existence of her incestuous rapist male sibling, Viscerys. Eventually, Danerys becomes the "mother of dragons", and the “unburned”. When the last Targaryen’s died with their dragons, the magic realm was changed forever and became very elusive. The generations that were able to unite and manipulate magic became of the old legends, and the first children’s stories. This omission or disappearance of magic is much like, the disappearance of Merlin, but also serves to give Daenerys a competitive edge upon the death of her brother. In comparison, Arthur was born and prophesied after a dragon shaped comet that scorched the sky shortly before the death of his father, who (let’s not forget) was Uther Pendragon. In the histories of the king of Britain Arthur Pendragon, was also born of a dying lineage. At the time his father Uther Pendragon, and uncle Aurelius Pendragon were still defending their British homeland against the Saxons, with every war their health and ability to lead diminished. Arthur was conceived in a time of need, and prophesied by Merlin as a heroic successor destined to bring Britain relief and freedom from the long history of betrayal and past transgressions against the British nobility and its people. Upon Arthur’s birth a great light in the form of a dragon pierced the sky across all the lands, as a divine and miraculous symbol of the removal of oppression.

Speaking of Symbols: Historically (and in the picture provided), we can see that the sigil for King Arthur is a red dragon, much like the one Merlin alludes to in HKB. In Game of thrones, the sigil for the Targaryen’s is actually a three-headed dragon, which more closely alludes to the devil and the end of the world, but for this blog post it will be associated with the mentioned rulers :D. King Arthur united Britain and rescued his people from the clutches of slavery, while Aerys united Westeros, and Daenerys intends to do again. However, both men failed their country, and dare I say it I think Daenerys will also fail if history continues to repeat itself. It should be noted that in an interview George R. R Martin did state that he did not base anyone character on a previous historical entity on a one to one base, but did draw a lot from English History

 Overall, while I agree that Arthur's and Daenerys's most notable characteristics being conquerors and rulers who had a true heart and respect for their peopl. eApart from being neglected the privilege of having a celestial being announce her birth to the world, the one defying characteristic of Daenerys is not her magic ability of being “unburnt” but rather her luck and innocence. Daenerys as a benevolent ruler, is vastly undermined by her blatant inability to lead, and shoddy approach to rule. By the first season of the “Game of Thrones” series, her attempt to assimilate into the Dothraki culture causes civil dissension and mutiny, while also killing her husband. Instead of being overthrown, the birth of her Dragons give her the power to free... and eventually re-enslave the peoples of Mureen in Slaver’s bay. In short, Khaleesi has made the mistakes of a soldier trying to be King, inadvertently leading to many unnecessary deaths and eventually the decline of entire races…. At least Arthur only failed Britain. 

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