Monday, April 10, 2017

Demon Babies

     So we've learned quite a bit about the King of Tars and it's lump baby, and several stories like it, but there are also other sources we can look at that might've taken inspiration from the story as well. One of these source is none other than Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones seems to get a lot of it's content from big titles that get their inspiration from history. King of Tars surprisingly also seems to make an appearance in the series.

    In what way you might ask? Well, during the first seasons we learn all about the great Khal Drogo and how Daenerys was sold to him in exchange for a crown and his people. Skipping ahead in time a bit, they fall in love and the great stallion that will mount the world is conceived. Although this doesn't exactly fit the bill word for word when compared to that of King of Tars, it definitely has it's similarities. We have the Islamic
Sultan of Damascus that wants the princess of Tars who is Christian and then we have the Khal Drogo who worships the Great Stallion being married to Daenerys who, assuming she follows what her family followed, the "old gods". We do not know for sure if religion plays any role in what happens next for Game of Thrones, but we do know that it did for the King of Tars side. Difference in religion on the princess's part caused a lump of a child to be born, creating a conflict between the two of them and creating a battle of religions. This is much different from Game of Thrones because it's a witch that causes Daenerys's scaled mutated baby to be born. The context being that the witch hated the Khal Drogo for what he's done so when asked for help in healing his illness, she took a life to give life, that being the life of their great stallion child who was supposed to mount the world. Again, religion might not have had anything to do with the Game of Thrones side, but there are definitely similarities as far as how it started and how it ended.

     The television series has proven time and time again that it's taken many thoughts from history and popular authors like the kingdom of Westeros being the 7 kingdoms in England, Hardians wall and the big ice wall, Tolkien's books, etc. It's very interesting to see that the series might've also taken some inspiration from King of Tars, even if it's not much.

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