Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Who knew George R.R. Martin was working with Disney?

Daenerys, from Game of Thrones, is beginning to think that she can use her Targaryen heritage and Dothraki culture and create something that is completely new. Danny feels she should be praised for saving the maegi from the brutality of pillaging. The ways she holds herself so highly overshadows the truth that she did not help anyone. Maui, from Moana, can be seen to exemplify those same traits. He believed he was helping the human race by stealing the heart of Te Fiti. Maui is too self-absorbed to realize that he started the wave of death that has been spreading to the surrounding islands in Hawaii. Both characters are similar in how they are treated as outsiders and how they think they are heroes for offering an outsider input.

               Daenerys and Maui are both considered outsiders in their cultures. Since Danny is of Targaryen decent, being sold to a nomadic Dothraki khal, Drogo, was a huge culture shock for her, especially at the age of an early teenager. Danny’s brother, Viserys, was using her to gain back the throne of the seven kingdoms. Danny was visually different from the rest of the Dothraki because she was the only white person amongst the Dothraki. She was not respected like she thought she would be for being their khaleesi, queen. The Dothraki made it clear that she will continue to be an outsider in their culture by not respecting her commands. Similarly, Maui is considered an outside to humanity because he was tossed out into the ocean by his parents. The gods rescued him and granted him the status of demigod. Maui decided to proceed helping humanity, who rejected him from birth, in order to feel the acceptance and approval that he never got. Humanity still negatively views Maui as the culprit for the spreading famine across the islands.

               Both characters think they are saving a primitive race as a hero when they do not solve anything. Daenerys believes she saved the maegi from being raped when the Dothraki invaded the Lamb Men village. Danny believes she was liberating potential slaves as well as reshaping the Dothraki culture. This is a classic example of colonialism since Danny tries to mold an established population into her ideals. Danny does not approve of the Dothraki method of claiming their spoils, and she believes she has the power to change their pre-established methods. The maegi took the life of Danny’s child and of her husband, Drogo, to prove to Danny that she saved no one. Danny was blinded by her own personal victory of saving the maegi that she did not realize that the maegi has to live with the fact that her previous life was destroyed and violated by the Dothraki. Similarly, Maui does not realize he is not a hero. Maui stole the heart of Te Fiti, and unintentionally unleashed a wave of death, because he thought he was giving humanity another gift of life. Through Maui’s endeavors of giving gifts to humanity, he begins to develop a superiority complex. He believes he is the strongest being on the planet and looks down upon the humans. Maui believes he is saving the human race, which leads to his ego overshadowing the death wave he unleashed. When Moana found Maui, he had no intention of returning the heart. Moana tells Maui that he is no hero because he has does not care about the lives of the people he is trying to save/impress. She then shows Maui off by going against Te Ka alone to fix the mistake he created.


  1. I think that this comparison is quite interesting and goes to how how similar character tropes are even between such vast genres and mediums (books, tv, movies). The trait of being cast out and trying to get back to the position of power one had seems to be a common trait found in the stories we've read. Such as The Hobbit the Dwarves were thrown out of their home under the mountain and cast out, trying to achieve their powerful status again for themselves and in the eyes of the Lakemen. Upon returning the Lakemen believed that this was going to bring them back money and power but instead lead to the destruction of their whole town because they woke the dragon (literally).

  2. Outsiders with inferiority complexes—nothing could better describe Daenerys and Maui, who, despite their emotionally turbulent childhoods, manage to, thanks to their ethnically superior ancestors, emerge supreme at the end of audiences’ first glimpses of them on television. Daenerys, a whitewashed descendant of the mystical Targaryen line, thrills viewers with a latent knack for hatching dormant dragon eggs, while Maui, a hulking block of muscle hand-picked to reign over the ocean by seafaring gods, impresses them with the capacity to shape-shift into various creatures at will. Whether glowing and cradling monsters or flexing and becoming them, both initially appear merely idiosyncratic, yet, upon closer inspection, speak to a more sinister story. Their magical traits trace back to their DNA and divine excellence—not an accident of fate or a determined attempt to improve themselves, as any Marvel representative, including the spider-nipped Spiderman, self-made Iron Man, and serum-infused Captain America, would affirm. Given the choice, a conscientious parent looking to supply his or her children with positive role models would go for people in ridiculous suits who spout cheesy catchphrases over TV show and Disney royalty every time.

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