Sunday, April 9, 2017

Ruler-Ship Ideologies: Daenerys Targaryen vs. King Arthur

There are many similarities and differences between the fictional character Daenerys Targaryen and King Arthur. Tales of heroism and justice are prevalent throughout ancient medieval texts. That is why I have outlined an argument for each of these individuals and their overall importance in relation to their methods of ruling and actions to retain order in their respective worlds. In the critically acclaimed novel and television series “Game of Thrones” Daenerys Targaryen is portrayed as being a young woman who grew up in the city of Essos which is located across the narrow sea. She knows no other life than one of exile resulting in her remaining dependent on her older more abusive brother Viserys. The innocent girl is quickly betrothed to the Dothraki lord Khal Drogo. This is done to ensure that her brother Viserys has an army to which he can return to Westeros and retake the Iron Throne. 
Upon engaging in the traditions of the Dothraki, Daenerys finds that life with her husband Khal Drogo has transformed her personality into a strong, courageous woman that is eventually fed up with her brother’s inability to become a just ruler. As a result, Khal Drogo kills Viserys ensuring that his wife the Khalissi is destined to recapture the Iron Throne for herself. Unfortunately, Daenerys loses her baby and husband, but luckily finds three dragon eggs that eventually hatch and regard her as their rightful mother. This provides her with a tactical advantage over her enemies in her pursuit of ruling over the seven kingdoms. Over time she acquires a skilled army that helps conquer the cities of Yunkai, As
tapor, and Merreen. She is disgusted over the concept of slavery which is why she kills every slave master she comes across throughout her journey. Despite her moral compass, she is capable of dealing with her enemies ruthlessly as she claws her way to conquering all those that oppose her rule.

King Arthur was a legendary British leader who, according to medieval historians defended Britain from the Saxons that were invading during the late 5th and early 6th centuries. The legendary Arthur developed as a figure of international interest through Geoffrey of Monmouth’s popular book, “History of the Kings of Britain”. His historical significance is still debated by modern historians today. Geoffrey depicted Arthur as a king that ultimately established an empire over Britain, Ireland, Iceland, Norway, and Gaul. In the 12th century Latin writings of Geoffrey of Monmouth, he dove into the detailed relationship between the mystical figure Merlin the Magician and how he helped King Arthur achieve the success that he is rewarded with to this day.

King Arthur and Daenerys Targaryen are very similar in their overall methods of ruling. They both embody characteristics that are seen by many as honorable and necessary to becoming a just ruler. Some of these include adoring his/her subjects, instructing ministers, exerting self-discipline, and respecting opinions. These two characters are almost as similar as they are different. In contrast, Daenerys seems to be a bit more ruthless when it comes to defeating her enemies as seen in Season 4 of “Game of Thrones” while King Arthur defends his people nobly and does not embody the harshness that Daenerys enacts against those that have wronged her entitlement to the throne. These traits defined how effectively these rulers were in their overall reign of their respective kingdoms which often dictate how their legacy will be remembered for generations to come.


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  4. I like that you mentioned that Daenerys had a bit of a harsher side than Arthur, at least in concerns for the way she punished her enemies. It is shown in the series that if you oppose her and get on her bad side, she will burn you with her rage...literally. Although, I’m not exactly sure if King Arthur was as peaceful as some might think just because of how the English history presented in HKB seems so romanticized. Regardless, Daenerys presents a special case in her raw ability to bridge the new world power with the old world magic. In addition to understandably needing more of a "zero tolerance" policy with her adversaries, primarily because she is a woman in a man dominated world. Secondarily, because apart from her brother selling her basically as a sex slave for his own benefit, her blood relatives are dead. Thus, her strict requisites for loyalty are vindicated when considering her few resources in a dragon eats dog world. x)
