Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Gringotts Goblins and Middle-Earth Dwarves

I find it interesting that these are two of the biggest fantasy series in society and their similarities are quite similar, it's not something that's typically thought about but as soon as it's pointed out it seems so obvious. With the previous blogs we had some people comparing The Hobbit to the Harry Potter series and the similarities are shocking, right down to both main characters possessing invisibility. It had me thinking, since we talked about Tolkien resembling Jewish people in the race of the dwarves if there was anything similar in the story of Harry Potter. When Harry goes to the bank to view his inheritance the reader meets the goblin race for the first time. Now in The Hobbit there is a goblin race, the ones who live under the misty mountains, as well but they are presented differently in each tale. As opposed to being violent and blundering the goblins in Harry Potter are in charge of Gringotts Bank, they are the main group responsible for all of the money in the wizarding world, at least in London. This reminds me of the history between the Christians and the Jews that we discussed in class, how they Jew’s were made to be in charge of loans, taxes, money, etc since it didn’t interfere with their beliefs, as opposed to the Christians. In Gringotts there is no other race running the bank it is all goblins, no wizards, giants, centaurs, just goblins. On top of that these goblins contain other characteristics that the stereotypical caricature of the Jewish person has, on top of the money greed caricatures often depicted them with large, hooked noses, elongated ears, beady and drooping eyes. Even their hair, long and curly/wavy, is similar to how orthadox Jews wear their hair. In Harry Potter all goblins we encounter fit this description to a tee and J.K doesn’t have dwarves, the race Tolkien portrays Jewish characteristics, but instead pushes these traits onto her modified race goblins, subconscious or not.


  1. My mind is blown because I never even thought of those features as characteristic to Jewish stereotypes! I think comparing Harry Potter’s dwarves to The Hobbit is a great comparison of Jewish portrayal over time. I believe J.K Rollins portrayal of Jews is a more integrated approach. Her goblins focus on the more modern interpretations of Jews, which is that they are good with money with hooked noses. Since Tolkien makes the dwarves have a more prominent role throughout the novel, his representation of medieval Jews is more representative of the Jewish history at that time. The Gringott goblins did not have such a prominent role in Harry Potter, which explains their exaggerated physical features as a key identifier.

  2. I agree with Antonio because I am a huge fan of the Harry Potter series and although I have read the books and seen the movies several times, I never connected the physical appearance of the Goblins to the Jewish stereotypes. J.K. Rowling's representation of the Jews is not a negative one in my opinion because the Goblins are not greedy in the series, but rather just good at managing the money because they have special magical abilities that the humans can't cheat. I also agree with Antonio in that Tolkien’s representation of the Jewish is more historical and illustrative of the Jews and the Jewish stereotypes back in the day, but Rowling’s is more modern and fits more with the current stereotypes.
